What are Rectified Tiles? Do I Need Rectified Tiles?

If you are considering some redecoration in your home, with Floor Tiles on the shopping list you may have stumbled upon all the Tile manufacture’s fancy jargon. R Values, V Values, Rectified, Anti-Slip… it all gets a bit confusing.​

You have heard that rectified tiles are important for modern, continuous floors, but you are still unsure of what they are. Essentially, a rectified edge is when the tile edge is perfectly straight due to an additional process in the production line. The tiles surface and edge are a complete right angle, meaning there is a consistency in tile dimensions, regardless of production batch. Non-rectified tiles may have slight variances in dimensions, be it 0.5-1mm, it is significant when it comes to installation. With non rectified tiles, grout lines have to be a lot thicker to compensate for these variances and to align the tiles when being laid.

Rectified tiles are most common in large format tiles, where the client envisages a large uninterrupted floor. Because you can be confident in the consistency in the tile dimensions, grout lines can be reduced to 2-3mm and significantly reduce the visibility in the floors.

So when you are planning your project, whether a new build or refurbishment, have a clear idea of how you want your room to look. Is rectified edge important for this finish? If you get this clear in your head before looking for your tiles, it will make the process a lot less stressful and should help you get the room that you want!  

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